News & Events

Planning Department releases draft environmental impact report on Sharp Park Plan

Sep 12, 2011

Planning Department releases draft environmental impact report on Sharp Park Plan; public hearing to be conducted October 6; comment period ends October 17; come to the hearing; get your comments in.

 The Planning Department also, on August 31, released the long-anticipated, multi-volume Draft Environmental Impact Report on the Rec & Park Department's Sharp Park Plan and other properties characterized as 'Significant Natural Resource Areas'.  There will be a public hearing on the document at City Hall on October 6, 2011; last day for submission of written comments will be October 17, 2011.

Here are links to the Draft EIR and its several addenda:


 Significant Natural Resource Areas Management Plan 
 Notice of Availability of a Draft EIR  
 Draft EIR     
 Draft EIR Appendix A 
 Draft EIR Appendix B 
 Draft EIR Appendix B continued 
 Draft EIR Appendices C, D, and E 
 Draft EIR Appendices F, G, and H 
 Draft EIR Appendices I and J 
NOTE: The public hearing on the Draft EIR will be held in Room 400, City Hall, on October 6, 2011, beginning at 1:30 or later. Public comments will be accepted until 5:00 PM on Monday, October 17, 2011.

To download a form letter to the Planning Commission, click here.

